The Salesforce Economy Will Create More than SG$7.6 Billion in New Business Revenues and 8,500 Jobs

Salesforce, the global leader in CRM, announced new research from IDC that finds Salesforce and its ecosystem of partners will create 8,500 new direct jobs and SG$7.6 billion (USD $5.6 billion) in new business revenues in Singapore from 2019 through 2024.
Globally, manufacturing leads the way job creation with a forecast of 765,800 new jobs by 2024 and finance leads in new business revenues with $224 billion in by then. The report also delves into specific high growth occupations, with AI specialist jobs growing at 44% and IoT related jobs growing at 38% annually.
Cloud computing is driving this growth, and giving rise to a host of new technologies including mobile, social, IoT and AI, that are creating new revenue streams and jobs that further fuel the growth of the cloud — creating an ongoing virtuous cycle of growth and innovation. According to IDC, by 2024 nearly 50% of cloud computing software spend will be tied to digital transformation and will account for nearly half of all software sales. Worldwide spending on cloud computing between now and 2024 will grow 19% annually, from $179 billion in 2019 to $418 billion in 2024.
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