CEO/co-founder Azmul Haque speaks to captive Silicon Valley audience at Blk71 and 500 Startups SF l
(Photos from 500Startups SF)
Last week, FirstCOUNSEL CEO/co-founder and Collyer Law LLC Managing Director Azmul Haque traveled halfway across the world to speak in front of captive Silicon Valley crowds at Block71 and 500 Startups in San Francisco.
At Block71 SF, the launchpad for Singaporean tech startups into the United States and the gateway for Silicon Valley companies to enter the Southeast Asia market, he helped the startups there by giving a primer on IP Law and negotiating seed round term sheets.
While at 500 Startups SF, a global seed fund and a network of startup programs that is re-inventing venture capital, Azmul shared his insights into Initial Coin Offerings: the Singapore story.
For those who couldn't travel all the way to San Francisco to catch these talks, don't fret. Due to popular demand, Azmul and Collyer Law LLC will be offering a rehash of their primer on ICOs, blockchain and crypto-currency. To find out more, click here.
(Photos from Block71 SF)