Start-ups and the Law: Insights from the Inside- Episode 1
FirstCOUNSEL hosted the first in its series of 3 events exclusively curated and organised for start-up businesses in Singapore.
The first in our three-part event series dealt with legal issues involved in relation to ‘starting a business in Singapore’. Our co-founder and CEO, Azmul Haque moderated a brilliant panel of in-house legal counsel who jointly have experience in industries such as Fintech, Adtech, Fishing and agriculture, Mergers & Acquisitions, FMCG, pharmaceuticals, etc.
The panel shed light on legal issues that new business owners have to deal with when their operations are just taking off. Issues discussed ranged between forming the right structure of a company, liability of founders, co-founders agreements and employment agreements.
The free flow of wine provided by French Cellar (our wine sponsor) made the event fun and casual!
Our next event will be hosted on 19 July 2017 and will deal with legal issues around 'creating and managing an online presence'.
Keep a watch out on our blog for more details.
Contact us at for any information on our events.