Upcoming events in Singapore for start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs (for August and September)

We understand that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to go through several event pages to find the right event to attend for you. We have therefore put together a list of upcoming events in Singapore for start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Here is what’s on tap for start-ups and SMEs in Singapore for the month of August and September:
What’s Now Singapore: Blockchain by CapGemini – FREE (https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/whats-now-singapore-blockchain-tickets-36649953999?aff=es2)
Women’s leadership summit: Break the Ceiling, Touch the Sky (http://houseofroseprofessional.com/btctts-world-edition-2017/)
How you can go digital: For SMEs (w/ govt financial assistance presentation) - FREE (https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/how-you-can-go-digital-for-smes-tickets-37233304817?aff=es2)
Mumpreneurs Workshop – FREE (https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/mumprenuers-workshop-tickets-37109489482?aff=es2)
Corporate Governance for start-ups in Healthcare Industry – FREE (https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/corporate-governance-part-of-the-oic-healthcare-workshop-series-tickets-36356894450?aff=es2)
Seoul Fintech start-up pitch day – FREE (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seoul-fintech-startup-pitch-day-in-singapore-registration-36645777507?aff=es2)
SWITCH 2017: Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology 18-20 Sept (http://switchsg.org/)